The Life of Salmon Fish - Prajwal Shrestha

Salmon are small fish live in the sea. They live in groups. By the groups they are safe. They became the meal of bear, shark, dolphin and other animals. They can't protect their egg. When they reproduce and produced their baby they die. So Salmon fish are not protected by their parents. They eat plants and micro organism like plankton. In their group there are more than 400000000000 fishes. They became the meal of Human also. Human pack the Salmon fish in sos then pack in a can and seal it. Salmon are rich in nutrients. When they die their baby egg can be taken by the human or eaten by crocodile or fishes. In the group twenty to forty fishes are left. They can't survive very long. Salmon go and visit all around the world where there is water like swamp, river, lake, sea and ocean. Any animal enjoy the feast of Salmon fishes. Salmon are tasty fish for every animal. Salmon live in warm water. Shark, dolphin called their friends attacked the salmon groups. Many Salmon are been died. When they can't sit in water they jump out of water. The bear wait to salmon fishes to jump out of water. They come in Pacific Ocean in one year. In January they come in Pacific Ocean. Other time they sit in Antarctica sea. They are in gray in colour. Many human go to ocean for fishing of Salmon fish in January. They have power to swim with the water. Their body is made to stop the waves of the sea.

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